
Better to fight for something than live for nothing — General George S. Patton.

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Pakistan Army is the land-based force of the Pakistan Armed Forces.The primary objective and its constitutional mission is to ensure the national security and national unity of Pakistan by defending it against external aggression or threat of war, and internal threat by maintaining peace and security within its land borders by requisitioning it by the government to cope with internal threats.  The Pakistan Army is commanded by the Chief of Army Staff, by statute a four-star rank general, who is senior member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee is appointed by the Prime Minister and confirmed by the President of Pakistan.[17] The Pakistan Army is currently under the command of General Qamar Javed Bajwa, appointed on 29 November 2016.

The story of the advancement of Pakistan Army is the tale of the birth of Pakistan, since its inception from the freckled nucleus of a regal legacy to its present status of an    avant-garde and combat-tested field Army; it is an epoch of development which leaves behind its trials and tribulations, calamities and conflicts, as it struggled, with scarcity of possessions to embark on its shaping years. This is, conceivably, the enormous paradigm amongst few armies in history to have faced a war right at its setting up and, in the subsequent years, besides guarding the geographical precincts, it is always prepared to protect the ideological boundaries of the country.

Image result for pakistan army soldier salute pictures to flag